University of Allahabad
Revised UG Main Exam schedule, 2024-25 | Selected Candidates for the Post of Deputy Registrar & MTS (General/Specialized) | UG Admission : CUET (2025) | CRET 2024 | Link for ABC ID | "Citadel of Learning: The Glory of University of Allahabad" | Guide for creating ABC ID for students | Warning against the misuse of Allahabad University Logo | Feedback Form

AU TALK is a monthly digital newsletter of the University of Allahabad. AU TALK a long cherished dream and a brainchild of Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, has been regularly and successfully disseminating news and information on various academic and research activities happening across the Departments/Centres of the University. The original idea behind the digital platform is not only to spread out information about various developments related to the departments, but also, to revitalize a connection among them. AU TALK as a digital space facilitated its faculty members to publish their own informative articles, research accomplishments and potential future plans.

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