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Learning Outcomes Descriptors and Programme Outcomes (P.O.) for Undergraduate Diploma (Level 5)

Undergraduate Diploma: The diploma (in a field of learning or a disciplinary area) qualifies students who can apply specialized knowledge in a range of contexts to undertake advanced skilled or paraprofessional work and/or to pursue further learning/study at higher levels.


Knowledge and understanding: The graduates should be able to demonstrate the acquisition of:

P.O. 1.         

theoretical and technical knowledge in broad multidisciplinary contexts within the chosen fields of learning,

P.O. 2.         

deeper knowledge and understanding of one of the learning areas and its underlying principles and theories,

P.O. 3.         

procedural knowledge required for performing skilled or paraprofessional tasks associated with the chosen fields of learning.


Skills required to perform and accomplish tasks: The graduates should be able to demonstrate the acquisition of:

P.O. 4.         

cognitive and technical skills required for performing and accomplishing complex tasks relating to the chosen fields of learning,

P.O. 5.         

cognitive and technical skills required to analyse and synthesize ideas and information from a range of sources and act on information to generate solutions to specific problems associated with the chosen fields of learning.


Application of knowledge and skills: The graduates should be able to demonstrate the ability to:

P.O. 6.         

apply the acquired specialized or theoretical knowledge, and a range of cognitive and practical skills to gather quantitative and qualitative data,

P.O. 7.         

select and apply basic methods, tools, materials, and information to formulate solutions to problems related to the chosen field(s) of learning.


Generic learning outcomes: The graduates should be able to demonstrate the ability to:

P.O. 8.         

listen carefully, read texts related to the chosen fields of learning analytically, and present complex information in a clear and concise manner to different groups/audiences,

P.O. 9.         

communicate in writing and orally the information, arguments, and results of the experiments and studies conducted accurately and effectively to specialist and non-specialist audiences.

P.O. 10.      

meet one’s own learning needs relating to the chosen field(s) of learning, work/vocation, and an area of professional practice,

P.O. 11.      

pursue self-paced and self-directed learning to upgrade knowledge and skills required for pursuing a higher level of education and training.

P.O. 12.      

critically evaluate the essential theories, policies, and practices by following a scientific approach to knowledge development.

P.O. 13.      

make judgement and take decision, based on the analysis and evaluation of information, for determining solutions to a variety of unpredictable problems associated with the chosen fields of learning, taking responsibility for the nature and quality of outputs.


Constitutional, humanistic, ethical, and moral values: The graduates should be able to demonstrate the willingness and ability to:

P.O. 14.      

embrace the constitutional, humanistic, ethical, and moral values, practice these values in life, and take a position regarding these values,

P.O. 15.      

formulate arguments in support of actions to address issues relating the ethical and moral issues relating to the chosen fields of learning, including environmental and sustainable development issues, from multiple perspectives.


Employability and job-ready skills, and entrepreneurship skills and capabilities/ qualities and mindset: The graduates should be able to demonstrate the acquisition of knowledge and essential skill sets that are necessary to:

P.O. 16.      

take up job/employment relating to the chosen fields of study or professional practice requiring the exercise of full personal responsibility for the completion of tasks and for the outputs of own work, and full responsibility for the group task/ work as a member of the group/team.

P.O. 17.      

exercise self-management within the guidelines of study and work contexts.

P.O. 18.      

supervise the routine work of others, taking some responsibility for the evaluation and improvement of work or study activities.


Credit requirements

P.O. 19.      

The successful completion of the first two years (four semesters) of the undergraduate programme involving a minimum of 80 credit hours followed by an exit 4-credit skills-enhancement course


Entry requirements

P.O. 20.      

Continuation of study or lateral entry in the second year of the undergraduate programme will be possible for those who have met the entrance requirements, including specified levels of attainment, specified in the programme regulations. The continuation of the study will be based on the evaluation of documentary evidence (including the academic record and/or evidence relating to the assessment and certification of prior learning) of the applicant’s ability to pursue an undergraduate programme of study. Lateral entry into the programme of study at NHEQF level 5 will be based on the validation of prior learning outcomes achieved, including those achieved outside of formal learning or through learning and training in the workplace or in the community, through continuing professional development activities, or through independent/self-directed learning activities