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UGC Online Grievance Redressal Portal

University Grants Commission (UGC) provided various mechanisms to resolve the issues and concerns of various stake holders. Because of non-availability of a single window system the stake holders were lodging multiple complaints /grievances at various places. Due to that the redressal mechanisms was at slow pace, which was also causing further concerns to the stake holders. The resolution of Institutional Entity Grievances has always been a top priority of the University Grant Commission. UGC took advantage of ICT enhancements and came up with the "e-Samadhan Online Grievance Registering and Monitoring System" It is a digital platform for Stake holders to identify and apply for grievances/feedback/queries. This platform ensures a time-bound mechanism for redressal of the grievances.


It is hereby informed to all the students of University of Allahabad to visit the website  to lodge their grievances related to University of Allahabad, for any query contact on


The students are hereby informed that as per the University Grants Commission (Redressal of Grievances of Students) Regulations-2023, following is the name and contact details of Students Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC) for University of Allahabad:

S. No.

Name and Department


Contact Details

  1. 1

Prof. Harsh Kumar

Department of Ancient History



Phone: ‎‎0532-2461084

  1. 2

Prof. Ajay Kumar Khare

Principal CMP Degree College



Mobile No.: 9575683583

  1. 3

Prof. Anand Shankar Singh

Principal, Ishwar Sarar Degree College



Phone No.: 0532-2544739

  1. 4

Prof. Satya Narayan

Department of Botany



Mobile: 9451370895

  1. 5

Prof. Chanda Devi

Department of Hindi



Mobile: 8004928441

  1. 6

Students on rotation (Toppers of Law/Arts/ Commerce/Science)

Special Invitee



           The committee has been entrusted the responsibility to resolve the grievances of the students within stipulated time frame. The student aggrieved of the decision of the SGRC may appeal to the Ombudsman. The name and contact detail of the Ombudsman is given as follows:

S. No.

Name of Ombudsman

Contact Details

  1. 1

Prof. Prakash Sinha, Former Professor, Department of Ancient History





Prof. Shailendra Rai

Nodal Officer
Online Student's Grievance Redressal System
University of Allahabad
Email ID: