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Material Science aims the development of new materials and the improvement of existing materials for applications to meet the requirement of leading edge of technology. In broad sense, subject scope of ‘Materials Science’ covers entire Materials’ cycle i.e. from mining and refining of natural raw materials and synthesis/processing of artificial advanced functional materials to the level of device applications. It also includes proper disposal and recycling. There is a rich variety of relatively new materials of vital importance to the development of the Science and Technology in new era. It includes Metals, Polymers, Ceramics, Glasses, Electronic materials, Bio-medical materials, Composites, Nano-materials and other Soft materials useful for present day’s high tech gadgets and even for the living organisms. Advances Bio Materials have been boon for the welfare of the human society. Although interdisciplinary in primary nature because of the involvement of Chemistry (for the synthesis and processing), Physics (for characterization) and Engineering (for device fabrication), Material Science has now grown as a well-established independent subject. Several academic courses useful for the society are being run by the Universities and various Research Centres in India as well as abroad. With this background, Centre of Materials Sciences came into existence in the year 2009. In the short span of its existence, 10 major research projects (from DST, DIT, BRNS and UGC) covering various aspects of materials’ research have been sanctioned to the Centre. Faculty members have developed individual international collaborations with Ireland, Poland, Spain, UK, France, South Korea and USA. Centre is presently running M. Sc. (Materials Science), M. Tech. (Materials Science and Technology) and Ph.D. programmes. The centre is intensively engaged in research and development of various types of materials.
