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As on 31st March 2024

Books & Bound Vols Journals

Ph.D. Thesis (Hard + Soft Copy) 20,364



Print Journals










Apart from its significant holdings of books, journals and other documentary materials, the library has collections of rare objects of historical value and considerable research/archival importance, such as: A good collection of Coins of the Medieval and early Modern periods of Indian History, and antique Manuscripts (presently stored in three large almirahs) as well as Documents, which are proposed to be photographed and catalogued for ready availability to researchers. The Manuscripts/ Documents include the valuable items i. e. some original Farmans of Mughal Rules; a copy of the Tripitaka written in the Burmese script on gold-plated metal strips; a considerable collection of First Editions of books of great antiquarian value.

Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme (DDC) and Anglo American Cataloguing Rules-2nd edition (AACR-2) are followed for the purpose of classifying and cataloguing the documents. Creation of a database of documents is in progress using Software for University Libraries (SOUL) 3.0. Creation of database of Ph.D. thesis is completed. Records of about 2,30,000 books have also been created. Digitalization of old documents is in progress. We have already digitized approximately 30,000 (thirty thousand) books under the Government of India UDL project being carried out at IIIT, Allahabad.