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Learning Outcomes Descriptors and Programme Outcomes for a Bachelor’s degree (Honours/ Honours with Research) or the Post-Graduate Diploma (Level 6)

Bachelor’s degree (Honours): Prepare individuals who can apply a body of knowledge in a specific context to undertake professional work and for research and further learning.

Bachelor’s degree (Honours with Research): Prepare individuals who can apply an advanced body of knowledge in a range of contexts to undertake professional work and apply specialized knowledge and skills for research and scholarship, and/or for further learning relating to the chosen field(s) of learning, work/vocation, or professional practice.

Post-Graduate Diploma: The Post-Graduate Diploma qualifies students who can apply a body of advanced knowledge and skills in a range of contexts to undertake professional or highly skilled work and/or further learning.


Knowledge and understanding: The graduates should be able to demonstrate the acquisition of:

P.O. 1.                  

advanced knowledge about a specialized field of enquiry, with depth in one or more fields of learning within a broad multidisciplinary/ interdisciplinary context.

P.O. 2.                  

a coherent understanding of the established methods and techniques of research and enquiry applicable to the chosen fields of learning.

P.O. 3.                  

an awareness and knowledge of the emerging developments and issues in the chosen fields of learning,

P.O. 4.                  

procedural knowledge required for performing and accomplishing professional tasks associated with the chosen fields of learning.


General, technical and professional skills required to perform and accomplish tasks: The graduates should be able to demonstrate the acquisition of:

P.O. 5.                  

a range of cognitive and technical skills required for performing and accomplishing complex tasks relating to the chosen fields of learning,

P.O. 6.                  

cognitive and technical skills relating to the established research methods and techniques,

P.O. 7.                  

cognitive and technical skills required to evaluate complex ideas and undertake research and investigations to generate solutions to real-life problems,

P.O. 8.                  

generate solutions to complex problems independently, requiring the exercise of full personal judgement, responsibility, and accountability for the output of the initiatives taken as a practitioner.


Application of knowledge and skills: The graduates should be able to demonstrate the ability to:

P.O. 9.                  

apply the acquired advanced technical and/or theoretical knowledge and a range of cognitive and practical skills to analyze the quantitative and qualitative data gathered drawing on a wide range of sources for identifying problems and issues relating to the chosen fields of learning,

P.O. 10.               

apply advanced knowledge relating to research methods to carry out research and investigations to formulate evidence-based solutions to complex and unpredictable problems.


Generic learning outcomes: The graduates should be able to demonstrate the ability to:

P.O. 11.               

listen carefully, read texts and research papers analytically, and present complex information in a clear and concise manner to different groups/ audiences,

P.O. 12.               

communicate technical information and explanations, and the findings/ results of the research studies relating to specialized fields of learning,

P.O. 13.               

present in a concise manner one’s views on the relevance and applications of the findings of research and evaluation studies in the context of emerging developments and issues.

P.O. 14.               

meet own learning needs relating to the chosen fields of learning,

P.O. 15.               

pursue self-paced and self-directed learning to upgrade knowledge and skills that will help accomplish complex tasks and pursue a higher level of education and research.


The graduates should be able to demonstrate:

P.O. 16.               

a keen sense of observation, enquiry, and capability for asking relevant/ appropriate questions,

P.O. 17.               

the ability to problematize, synthesize and articulate issues and design research proposals,

P.O. 18.               

the ability to define problems, formulate appropriate and relevant research questions, formulate hypotheses, test hypotheses using quantitative and qualitative data, establish hypotheses, make inferences based on the analysis and interpretation of data, and predict cause-and-effect relationships,

P.O. 19.               

the capacity to develop appropriate tools for data collection,

P.O. 20.               

the ability to plan, execute and report the results of an experiment or investigation,

P.O. 21.               

the ability to acquire the understanding of basic research ethics and skills in practicing/doing ethics in the field/ in own research work, regardless of the funding authority or field of study,

P.O. 22.               

examine and assess the implications and consequences of emerging developments and issues relating to the chosen fields of study based on empirical evidence.

P.O. 23.               

make judgement in a range of situations by critically reviewing and consolidating evidence,

P.O. 24.               

exercise judgement based on evaluation of evidence from a range of sources to generate solutions to complex problems, including real-life problems, associated with the chosen field(s) of learning requiring the exercise of full personal responsibility and accountability for the initiatives undertaken and the outputs/outcomes of own work as well as of the group as a team member.


Constitutional, humanistic, ethical, and moral values: The graduates should be able to demonstrate the willingness and ability to:

P.O. 25.               

Embrace and practice constitutional, humanistic, ethical, and moral values in life.

P.O. 26.               

adopt objective, unbiased, and truthful actions in all aspects of work related to the chosen field(s) of learning and professional practice.

P.O. 27.               

present coherent arguments in support of relevant ethical and moral issues.

P.O. 28.               

participate in actions to address environmental and sustainable development issues.

P.O. 29.               

follow ethical practices in all aspects of research and development, including avoiding unethical practices such as fabrication, falsification, or misrepresentation of data or committing plagiarism.


Employability and job-ready skills, and entrepreneurship skills and capabilities/ qualities and mindset: The graduates should be able to demonstrate the acquisition of knowledge and

skill sets required for:

P.O. 30.               

adapting to the future of work and to the demands of the fast pace oftechnological developments and innovations that drive a shift in employers’ demands for skills, particularly with respect to the transition towards more technology-assisted work involving the creation of new forms of work and rapidly changing work and production processes.

P.O. 31.               

managing complex technical or professional activities or projects, requiring the exercise of full personal responsibility for the output of own work as well as for the outputs of the group as a member of the group/team.

P.O. 32.               

exercising supervision in the context of work having unpredictable changes.

Credit requirements

Successful completion of the 4-year (eight semesters) undergraduate programme involving a minimum of 160 credits, with a minimum of 40 credits each at level 4.5, 5, 5.5, and 6 of the NHEQF.

A 1-year/2-semester Post-Graduate Diploma programme builds on a 3-year/6-semester bachelor’s degree and requires a minimum of 40 credits for individuals who have completed a Bachelor’s programme.






Entry requirements

An individual seeking admission to the bachelor’s degree (Honours/ Honours with Research) in a specified field of learning would normally have completed all requirements of the relevant 3-year Bachelor’s degree. (After completing the requirements of a 3-year bachelor’s degree, candidates who meet a minimum 75% marks or its equivalent grade will be allowed to continue studies in the fourth year of the undergraduate programme leading to the bachelor’s degree (Honours with Research).

Continuation of undergraduate programme leading to the bachelor’s degree (Honours/ Honours with Research) will be open to those who have met the entrance requirements, including specified levels of attainment, in the programme admission regulations. Continuation of the programme of study will be based on the evaluation of documentary evidence (including the academic record and/or evidence relating to the assessment and certification of prior learning) of the applicant’s ability to pursue study during the fourth year (semesters 7 & 8) of the 4-year Bachelor’s degree (Honours/ Honours with Research) programme. Lateral entry into the programme of study at NHEQF level 6 will be based on the validation of prior learning outcomes, including those achieved outside of formal learning or through learning and training in the workplace, through continuing professional development activities, or through independent/self-directed/self-managed learning activities.