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The Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences (DEPS) was established in the year 1985. It is a FIST-sponsored Level-II department recognized by the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. The DEPS is known for its scientific contributions in frontier areas of research in Earth and Planetary Sciences in India and abroad. The Department has always kept pace by modifying its course content with the changing research and industry scenario. Significant emphasis is also given to impart field, on-site and industrial exposures to students. The post-graduate course comprises four semesters with one semester devoted to project work mainly. The Department is well known for its available expertise in high-P-T research involving natural and synthetic systems, impact cratering research, marine micropaleontology, paleoclimatic reconstruction, sedimentology, seismology, natural hazard study, gemology and environmental geology. The adequate research facilities in Earth and Planetary Sciences, A.U. are available in the Department and our University facility to nurture budding Earth and Planetary scientists to purse their studies and research. The students of this Department have excelled in teaching, research and industry in India and abroad. Various Short Courses and Workshops in Earth and Planetary Sciences and Applied Geoscience are conducted by the Department from time to time. This Department is visited by reputed scientists from India and abroad to teach, conduct collaborative research and interact with students in evolving areas of Earth and Planetary Sciences.

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