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The research in the area of Climate Dynamics Modelling has been started in the University of Allahabad with the establishment of twin centres namely K. Banerjee Centre of Atmospheric and Ocean Studies (KBCAOS) and M. N. Saha Centre of Space Studies (MNSCOSS) in the year 2000 and 2001 respectively with the financial support from National Centre of Atmospheric and Ocean Research (NCAOR), Goa [Ministry of Earth Science (MoES)] and Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) under the academic leadership of Prof Avinash C Pandey. The faculty associated with these centres have successfully completed GoI projects with funding to the tune of more than Rs. 8.00 crores. The KBCAOS participated in the scientific expedition to Southern Ocean/Antarctica on board R/V Akademik Boris Petrov (ABPetrov) in 2006 and 2009 to obtain surface, atmospheric and oceanic data of southern ocean. The KBCAOS and MNSCOSS have multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional character, which made them national centers working in close collaboration with other national/international institutions involved in Ocean and Atmosphere modelling research. Several scholars have already obtained doctoral degree from the centers in a wide variety of topics dealing with Mathematical Modeling of Atmosphere and Ocean and are well placed in the academic and research institutions of its repute. The UGC has recognized KBCAOS and MNSCOSS as centers with potential of research excellence and established new permanent Department/Centre of Atmospheric and Ocean Science (AOS) at University of Allahabad, which came into existence on 29th October, 2009. The Department of Science and Technology has funded KBCOAS under DST-FIST scheme with a financial support of Rs. 1.49 Crores. The Centre is successfully running 4-Semester M.Tech. programme in Earth Systen Sciences from July, 2012. Besides this, the Centre conducts Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programme in Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences. The state-of-the art computing facility (with high-performance servers/workstations) is available in the Centres to perform Atmospheric and Ocean Modeling.

The Faculty of the KBCAOS/MNSCoSS are well exposed and trained. The AOS has active research collaboration with leading national/international institutions like, International Centre for Theoratical Physics (Italy); Centre for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA); USA, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, USA; John Hopkins University, USA; IITM Pune; NCMRWF Noida and IMD Delhi.
