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The Department of Chemistry is on of the oldest and most prominent departments of University of Allahabad. It has all long enjoyed a prominent place among the national and international centre of higher education. it started functioning in 1872 under the principle ship of Prof. Harrison, who took keep interest in the development of this department, Prof. Hill, was responsible for managing the teaching of Chemistry. The department was established in 1921 and since then a galaxy of eminent chemists served the department in various positions. This department earned significant popularity on national/international scenario under the able guidance and headship of Prof. N. R. Dhar, I.E.S., and also Prof. S. Dutt. This pioneering research work established flourishing research schools in the area of Natural Product chemistry, coordination chemistry, reaction kinetics and social sciences. To strengthen the on going research work the University grants Commission has provided Special Assistance since 1977. The Department presently has on its rolls 858 under graduate students, 159 post graduate students and 40 doctoral and post doctoral scholars.

The faculty of the Department comprises of forty two teaching position. All faculty members are active research workers in different areas of chemical sciences.

The Chemical Laboratories of Muir College formed the nucleus of University Department of Chemistry and Prof. N. R. Dhar who was attached to the college as a member of the Indian Education Service, become the first University Professor. After his retirement from the department, Prof. Dhar devoted his full time activities in the Shila Dhar Institute of Soil Science, which was founded by a magnificent donation by him to the University. Professor S. Dutta started systematic research work in organic chemistry, when he joined the department in 1925.

Chemistry is the core department of the Faculty of Science, University of Allahabad, having on its rolls the largest member of students and the teaching faculty comprising professors, readers and lecturers. There are nearly 585 students at undergraduate level, about 150 at P.G. stage and approximately 100 research scholars.

At undergraduate level this department offers courses of study for students from both streams viz. Physical sciences and Biological sciences. At P.G. level specialization is available on organic, inorganic, physical and analytical chemistry. Students have choice of one elective paper. A two-year M. Sc. course in agricultural chemistry and soil science is being run at Sheila Dhar Institute of Soil Science.

Soaring To ExcellenceThe department specializes in varied fields of research. Research activities have got a boost due to grants received from the U.G.C., which has selected the department for special assistance programme. Substantial grants have also been received from U.G.C under COSIST Programme. Individual research projects sponsored by funding agencies viz.

The Department of Chemistry is on of the oldest and most prominent departments of University of Allahabad. It has all long enjoyed a prominent place among the national and international centre of higher education. it started functioning in 1872 under the principle ship of Prof. Harrison, who took keep interest in the development of this department, Prof. Hill, was responsible for managing the teaching of Chemistry. The department was established in 1921 and since then a galaxy of eminent chemists served the department in various positions. This department earned significant popularity on national/international scenario under the able guidance and headship of Prof. N. R. Dhar, I.E.S., and also Prof. S. Dutt. This pioneering research work established flourishing research schools in the area of Natural Product chemistry, coordination chemistry, reaction kinetics and social sciences. To strengthen the on going research work the University grants Commission has provided Special Assistance since 1977. The Department presently has on its rolls 858 under graduate students, 159 post graduate students and 40 doctoral and post doctoral scholars.

The faculty of the Department comprises of forty two teaching position. All faculty members are active research workers in different areas of chemical sciences.

Soaring To ExcellenceThe Chemical Laboratories of Muir College formed the nucleus of University Department of Chemistry and Prof. N. R. Dhar who was attached to the college as a member of the Indian Education Service, become the first University Professor. After his retirement from the department, Prof. Dhar devoted his full time activities in the Shila Dhar Institute of Soil Science, which was founded by a magnificent donation by him to the University. Professor S. Dutta started systematic research work in organic chemistry, when he joined the department in 1925.

Chemistry is the core department of the Faculty of Science, University of Allahabad, having on its rolls the largest member of students and the teaching faculty comprising professors, readers and lecturers. There are nearly 585 students at undergraduate level, about 150 at P.G. stage and approximately 100 research scholars.

At undergraduate level this department offers courses of study for students from both streams viz. Physical sciences and Biological sciences. At P.G. level specialization is available on organic, inorganic, physical and analytical chemistry. Students have choice of one elective paper. A two-year M. Sc. course in agricultural chemistry and soil science is being run at Sheila Dhar Institute of Soil Science.

Soaring To ExcellenceThe department specializes in varied fields of research. Research activities have got a boost due to grants received from the U.G.C., which has selected the department for special assistance programme. Substantial grants have also been received from U.G.C under COSIST Programme. Individual research projects sponsored by funding agencies viz.

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