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General Rules
  1. Entry to the Central Library is restricted only to the authorized members of the University with Identity Card. Other users (outsiders) can consult the library for research purposes after producing letter of introduction from Supervisor/ Head of Deptt./ Institution to the University Librarian.
  2. Every user must sign the register available at the entrance.
  3. Personal printed reading materials e.g. books,journals, magazines , xerox copies of printed materials etc.are not allowed inside the library.
  4. Personal belongings like bags, umbrellas, personal books etc are to be kept at property counter against token. Library reserves the right to check the contents of the items deposited at property counter.
  5. In case the property counter token is lost, the deposited article (s) may be claimed with proper identification after producing a written request with a fee of Rs. 5/-.
  6. Photography, smoking, sleeping, use of cell phone and talking loudly are strictly prohibited in the library.
  7. Readers should not mark, underline, dog-ear mark, write, tear pages or damages the library documents.
  8. Dissertations/theses cannot be xeroxed.
  9. Strict silence and discipline must be maintained in the library.
  10. Readers should not spit in any part of the library
  11. Newspapers and magazines must be read only in the library on specific tables and should not be taken to other reading areas.
  12. No library material can be taken out from the library without permission.
  13. Readers should not shelve books and periodicals as that disturb the prescribed order.
  14. Notices, publicity materials/wall writing etc. are not allowed in any part of the library building.
  15. Members leaving the library should show the material borrowed or taken out of the library by them to the Security Guard for checking purpose.
  16. Anyone who violates the rules and regulations of the library would be liable to lose the privilege of library membership.
  1. Library membership is open to Faculty Members, Students, Researcher Scholars (including PDFs), Non-teaching Staff of the University of Allahabad. They can apply for membership on the duly filled up prescribed membership form which is available on the University’s web site.
  2. Members should produce their Identity Card at the entrance of the Library.
  3. Consultation facility is available for Teachers/Research Scholars of other Universities/Institutions for a short period after producing letter of introduction from Supervisor/ Head of Deptt./ Institution.
  4. Whenever a member leaves/ retires, he/she has to obtain a “No Dues Certificate” from the Library.
  1. Circulation facility is restricted to University’s members only.
  2. Manuscripts, Reference books, Books and Text Books shelved in reading hall, rare books, theses, dissertations, journals (loose issues and bound volumes), magazines, newspapers and non-print materials shall not be issued.
  3. Books in demand may not be renewed.
  4. Readers are responsible for books issued against their names.
  5. Borrowers must satisfy about the physical condition of the books before borrowing otherwise they will be held responsible for any damage later or at the time of return.
  6. Before leaving the counter, the borrower shall satisfy himself/ herself as to whether the books lent are in good condition and if not shall immediately bring the matter to the notice of the Circulation-In-Charge of library and get a signature at the mutilated place(s). Otherwise the borrower is liable to be held responsible and he/she shall replace the book(s) by a current edition in good condition. If one of the volume of a multivolume book is mutilated or lost the borrower is liable to replace the complete set, if the mutilated volume is not available separately.
  7. If a book is lost by the borrower or the borrower fails to return the issued book(s), he/she shall be asked to replace it from the open market. If a books is not available in the open market then the cost of book plus a fine of Rs 500/- (Rs. Five hundred only) per book shall be charged from the borrower.
  8. Lent books would not be renewed, in case it is in demand by another user.
  9. Librarian shall have the authority to recall book(s) on loan from the member(s) at any time.
  10. If a book is not returned to the library by any borrower on due date an overdue charge of Rs. 2/- (Rs Two) per day per volume shall be levied and no further book(s) shall be issued until the overdue book is returned.
  11. If a Reader Ticket is reported lost by a borrower an amount of Rs. 25/- (Rupees Twenty Five) shall be charged for issuing a duplicate Reader Ticket provided it is established after checking the records of the library that no book has been issued on the reported lost Reader Ticket.
  12. . Examination Section of the University shall issue the Admit Cards to the students only on producing “No Dues Certificate” from the Departmental Library/ Central Library.
Use of Computers/Laptops etc
  1. Computer in the library premises should be used for academic purpose only.
  2. Online chatting/dating, browsing of social networking sites is strictly prohibited. Strict disciplinary action will be taken against the defaulters.
  3. Playing games on computers is strictly prohibited in the entire library premises.
  4. Readers must carry their Identity Card while using the E-Resource Division. They must show their ID card on demand.
  5. Readers are not allowed to share their Internet access ID and Password with other students.
  6. Changing the settings and display of the computers kept in the library is not permitted.
  7. Use of laptops in the e-resource division where computers are already installed is not permitted.
  8. Readers should not remove/unplug computer cables/connections, network cables and other peripherals/accessories in the library.
  9. Personal keyboard, mouse, etc are not allowed inside the library.
  10. Students must take care of their Pen drives, CD/DVD ROMs, mobiles and wallets etc.