S.No. | Photo | Head of the Department | Department | Communication Details |
1 | Prof. Syed Ibrahim Rizvi | Biochemistry | 9415305910 rizvi@allduniv.ac.in, hodbiochemistry@allduniv.ac.in |
2 | Prof. Kiran Singh | Economics | 9450589374 kiran_alld@yahoo.com |
3 | Prof. Dhananjai Yadav | Education | 9455688331, 0532-2642306 hodedu@allduniv.ac.in, dhananjaiyadavedu@gmail.com |
4 | Prof. Tanveer J. Siddiqui | Electronics and Communication | 9935351991 tjsiddiqui@allduniv.ac.in siddiqui.tanveer@gmail.com |
5 | Dr. Neetu Mishra | Family and Community Science (Home Science) | 9565087741, 9415347999 hodhomescience@allduniv.ac.in |
6 | Dr Ashwajeet Chaudhary | Journalism and Mass Communication | 9839676614 hodjmc@allduniv.ac.in |
7 | Prof. Ashish Saxena | Sociology | 9559931313 hodsoc@allduniv.ac.in, ashish.ju@gmail.com |
8 | Prof. Ajay Jaitly | Visual Arts | 0532-2242884, 9415308867 ajayjaitly@gmail.com, hodva@allduniv.ac.in |
9 | Dr. Prayag Narayan Mishra | Sanskrit | 9415171430 drprayagmishra@yahoo.in |
10 | Prof. Shiv Sharma Shukla | Mathematics | 9335171544 hodmaths@allduniv.ac.in |
11 | Prof. S. K. Sharma | English and Modern European Languages | 9450868483 sksharma@allduniv.ac.in |
12 | Prof. K. N. Uttam | Physics | 9839053071 kailash.uttam@rediffmail.com |
13 | Prof. Ajai Kumar Rai | Earth and planetary Science | 9451740221 raikajai@gmail.com |
14 | Prof. Rahul Patel | Anthropology | 9451391225 hodanthro@allduniv.ac.in |
15 | Prof. Satya Narain | Botany | 9451370895 hodbotany@allduniv.ac.in |
16 | Prof. Bharti Das | Defence and Strategic Studies | 9450246364 hoddefencesci@allduniv.ac.in |
17 | Prof. Ashwajeet Chaudhary | Geography | 9839676614 hodgeo@allduniv.ac.in |
18 | Prof. Sanjay Srivastava | Medieval and Modern History | 9415646576 hodmmh@allduniv.ac.in |
19 | Prof. Archana Chahal | Physical Education | 9453040047 hodpe@allduniv.ac.in |
20 | Dr. Pramendra Singh Pundir | Statistics | 9411884011 hodstatistics@allduniv.ac.in |
21 | Dr. Chandranshu Sinha | Psychology | 9650670222 hodpsycho@allduniv.ac.in |
22 | Prof. Mohammad Shahid | Political Science | 9839972546 hodpolsc@allduniv.ac.in |
23 | Prof. Lalsa Yadav | Hindi | 8005091301 hodhindi@allduniv.ac.in |
24 | Prof. Harsh Kumar | Ancient History | 9415217778 harshkumardr@gmail.com |
25 | Prof. Dinesh Mani | Chemistry | 9335153359 dineshmanidsc@gmail.com |
26 | Prof. Anamika Roy | Arabic and Persian | 9415649549 hodap@allduniv.ac.in |
27 | Prof. K.P. Singh | Zoology | 9451857460 headzoo@allduniv.ac.in |
28 | Prof. Gopal Sahu | Philosophy | 8840142544 drgopalsahu@gmail.com |
29 | Prof. Prem Kumar Mallick | Music and Performing Arts | 9415634281 hodmusic@allduniv.ac.in |
30 | Prof. Anamika Roy | Urdu | - hodurdu@allduniv.ac.in |