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MEGHNAD SAHA AWARDS - Best Research Scholars for the Academic Year (Last date 05th January, 2024)

Recognizing good research work and creating a healthy competitive environment among the research scholars, by awarding them, will certainly boost the quality of research in higher educational institutions.

To honour and recognize the research scholar, who have made significant research contributions over a period of years and whose efforts have marked an impact in advancement of the society, the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, University of Allahabad has instituted the “MEGHNAD SAHA AWARD” for best research scholars. All departments, institutes, and centres will come under the purview of this award.



The award shall be made to outstanding research scholars currently working in the University. She/He must be a regular research scholar.

The nominee must have published a minimum of 02 UGC-CARE listed journals papers.


Nomination Criterion:

The nomination shall be made in the prescribed format.

All the nominations should come through proper channel i.e., it should be forwarded by the supervisor and concerned head of departments, director of institutes and coordinator of centres.


Selection Criterion:

All the nominations received will be duly screened and verified by the committee constituted by the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor. Suitable nominations may be recommended to the Vice Chancellor for award.


Announcement of the Awards:

The names of the awardees selected for the award shall be announced on the Convocation Day of the University.


Nomination form pdf

Nomination form Word