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For improving the quality of higher education, different Commissions including Radhakrishnan Commission (1948) and Kothari Commission (1966) on higher education had recommended a sustained and purposeful development of academic staff. The National Policy on Education 1986 (NPE) has, inter alia, suggested that the present educational system does not provide opportunities to the teachers for professional and career development, initiative for innovative and creative work, and internalizing the techniques and value system to fulfill their roles and responsibilities. Programme of action of NPE 1986 categorically mentioned a comprehensive programme of professional development through ASCs. Consequently, in 1987 the UGC sanctioned the setting up of 48 ASCs. The ASCs started functioning with the premise that the objective of Academic Staff Development Scheme is to enable academic staff to become effective facilitators of student learning through becoming effective managers of the conditions that affect learning. At present the number of HRDCs (ASCs) in India is 66.

Establishment of Human Resource Development Centre (Formerly Academic Staff College)

Established in August 1987, the Academic Staff College of the University of Allahabad conducted its First Orientation Programme on February 1, 1988. It has pursued the objective of improving the professional competence of teachers in tertiary education with a difference. By the end of March, 2018, it had organized 420 programmes with 11,725 teacher participants (120 Orientation Programmes with 3693 teacher participants, 270 Refresher Courses with 7087 teacher participants, 09 Summer / Winter School with 292 teacher participants and , 21 Short Term Courses with 653 teachers participants.

During the session 2017-2018, for which the report is being submitted, the UGC-HRDC has successfully completed most of the programmes allocated by the UGC for the session. It has organized 3 out of 4 Orientation Programmes with 167 participants and 03 out of 06 Refresher Courses with 133 participants. Besides the subject Refresher Courses conducted by the concerned department, 3 Interdisciplinary Refresher Courses were organized successfully by the HRDC .This included 1 ID in Environment Studies, 1 ID in Computer Application and 1 ID in Social Sciences. The HRDC has organized a Special Summer School with 39 participants and one Winter School with 26 participants in session 2017-2018.

It is my pleasure to report here that this HRDC has been ranked amongst the first ten HRDCs of the country based on the OPs and the RCs conducted by the HRDCs.

NAAC Peer Team visited the Academic Staff College in February 2012. The Peer Team observed,

The Academic Staff College, University of Allahabad due to its location and name has slight advantage in availing talented and experienced resource persons and participants from diverse back ground for the programmes conducted.

  1. Academic Staff College, University of Allahabad tries to adhere to the schedule and programmes.
  2. Lectures and discussions constitute the major delivery mechanism.
  3. Basic skills of teaching including use of recent educational technology are incorporated.
  4. Evaluation of the participants is as per UGC guidelines.
  5. The location and name of the University / ASC attract eminent resource persons from all part of the country.
  6. Diverse and talented resource persons from reputed academic institutions and industries are used as resource persons for the Orientation Programmes.
  7. Diversified topics are covered in Orientation Programmes.


In the near future, the ASC proposes to:

  1. Ensure quality improvement along with quantitative increase in the number of programmes.
  2. Modernize training package incorporating the use of LCD, Notebook, Networking, etc.
  3. Strive for achieving the status of Nodal Centre for training of both academic and non-academic staff of colleges/universities.
  4. Organize training programmes for training of women in management of higher education.
  5. Strengthen the infrastructure particularly providing hostel facilities to the participants.
  6. Bring out standardized instruments for monitoring and evaluation of the impact of in-service training.
  7. Work out the possibility of starting academic training course for the students who plan to adopt teaching career at higher education level.
  8. Conduct training programmes for all categories of non- teaching staff of the universities/colleges.
  9. Organise short duration programme for Deans, HoDs, Professors, Associate Professors.
  10. Conduct training programme for research scholars on research methodology.

Work Culture

  1. Strict adherence to the norms and guidelines of UGC in the conduct of programmes.
  2. Time bound decisions to execute the work of preparing and supplying the reading material to the participants.
  3. Strict observance of core values namely commitment, devotion, punctuality, humility, co-operation and tolerance.
  4. Effecting change in learning through practical work and setting personal examples.
  5. Adoption of eclectic approach in dealing with the pedagogical problems faced by teachers at different levels of complexities.
  6. Providing computer awareness programme to the participants of refresher courses and orientation programmes.
  7. Adopting participative approach in the conduct of programmes and running of college-ASC.

Vice-Chancellor’s Message

I am extremely happy to launch the updated website of UGC-Human Resource Development Centre (formerly Academic Staff College), University of Allahabad, Allahabad. Since its establishment in 1987, this institution has been rendering valuable service as one of the premier institutions of its kind in India because of its distinct national character, work culture, dynamic approach and innovative teaching techniques. I am happy to note that Academic Staff College, University of Allahabad has till offered its services to about 12,000 teachers all over the country by organizing 420 prgrammes.

I hope that information given on this website will be useful to those who are eager to join the programmes of the UGC-Human Resource Development Centre (formerly Academic Staff College), University of Allahabad.

I wish a bright future for the UGC-Human Resource Development Centre (formerly Academic Staff College), University of Allahabad.

Last modified on Tuesday, 10 Sept 2018 15:27

Read 76516 times

Published in: UGC Human Resource Development Centre