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Centre for Women's Studies


About the Centre

Women’s Studies was first acknowledged as a discipline in its own right in America in 1969 and the first Women’s Studies Course was taught in the University of Cornell. Since that time it has grown rapidly in India as well as in other parts of the world and is now recognized as one of the most dynamic and pertinent of the new emerging disciplines. Its role in holistic knowledge building and the re-examination of old and established systems of perception and thought has been invaluable. It is interdisciplinary in nature and critiques both society and culture from the perspective of women.

The inauguration of the Centre for Women’s Studies, University of Allahabad was held in the North Hall in the Senate Hall Building on the 6th of August, 2010. The guest of honour was Prof. Veena Mazumdar, National Research Professor of Social Sciences at the Centre for Women’s Development Studies, New Delhi and the Vice Chancellor of A.U. Prof. Rajen Harshe was the Chief Guest. The founder Director of the Centre for Women’s Studies was Prof. Sumita Parmar. The inauguration was attended by members of the Faculty, colleagues from the Colleges, members of the University Administration, students and guests.

The Centre offers a Certificate course “Understanding Gender” since July 2012 and Master Program “MA in Women’s Studies” since July 2018. This program has been designed to familiarize and sensitize more and more people in society towards issues relating to Gender, Women’s Rights, Feminist movement and not merely to impart formal instruction, conduct examination and award certificates to the candidates. It is with this intent that the course has been planned.

The Centre had Six Directors respectively: Founder Director, Prof. Sumita Parmar, Prof. Smita Agarwal, Prof. Anamika Roy, Prof. Bharti Das, Prof. Anuradha Agarwal and followed by Prof. Jaya Kapoor. Centre organizes Special Lectures, Annual Lectures, and Workshops in every year.

Brief History:
  • 2010- The Centre for Women's Studies, University of Allahabad established.
  • 2012- Three months Certificate Course in “Understanding Gender” started.
  • 2013- Centre has started Campus Newsletter, which is publishing successfully by the Centre.
  • 2018- PG Program M.A. in Women's Studies started. Reading materials compiled in English and Hindi, made available free of cost to every student.
