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  1. Tentative schedule is subject to availability of requisite number of applications in a course and availability of funds.
  2. Since the dates of the courses are subject to change, the teachers should come to attend the course when invited.

Important Instructions

  1. 1. All the courses will be conducted in online mode.

  2. 2. Registration form will be only accepted through online mode.

  3. 3. The Maximum number of participants is 60 for FIP courses and 80 for other courses

  4. 4. Once Registered, the candidate will be given Account details to submit fee.

  5. 5. Only registration will not be considered as admission to course/ programme.

  6. 6. Fee needs to be submitted within stipulated time, failing which, the registration stands cancelled.

  7. 7. All the above Programmes will be conducted by adhering to the latest guidelines of UGC.

  8. 8.Since the dates of the programmes are subject to change, the participants should come to attend the course/ programme when invited.

  9. 9. There should be minimum gap of one year between two courses, though it may be relaxed if adequate number of participants are not available or it is essential for the teachers to fulfill eligibility conditions for CAS.

  10. 10. The list of selected candidates for any course will be informed 7 days before the commencement of the course.

  11. 11. Selected candidates are required to send relieving order from the concerned authority two days before commencement of the course.

  12. 12. Certificate of completion of course will be given only to those participants who attend the course for the full duration / session.

  13. 13. Every participant will be evaluated on the five point scale on the basis of the performance in the course and grade will be awarded accordingly.


UGC- Human Resource Development Centre
University of Allahabad