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Learning Outcomes Descriptors and Programme Outcomes for a Doctoral Degree (Level 8)

Doctoral Degree: The Doctoral degree qualifies students who can ask relevant and new questions and develop appropriate methodologies and tools for collecting information in pursuit of generating new knowledge and new data sets; and apply a substantial body of knowledge to undertake research and investigations to generate new knowledge, in one or more fields of inquiry, scholarship or professional practice. Graduates at this level is expected to have a systematic and critical understanding of a complex field of learning and specialized research skills for the advancement of knowledge and/or professional practice and making a significant and original contribution to the creation of new knowledge relating to a field of learning or in the context of an area of professional practice.


Knowledge and understanding: The graduates should be able to demonstrate the acquisition of:

P.O. 1.                  

highly specialized knowledge, including knowledge at the most advanced frontiers of the chosen fields of study.

P.O. 2.                  

mastery of the established research methods and techniques applicable to the chosen fields of learning.

P.O. 3.                  

procedural knowledge required by personnel engaged in complex research and development activities.


General, technical and professional skills required to perform and accomplish tasks: The graduates should be able to demonstrate the acquisition of:

P.O. 4.                  

most advanced and highly specialized cognitive and technical skills required for performing and accomplishing complex tasks related to research and development that make original contributions to knowledge, professional practice, and innovations.

P.O. 5.                  

cognitive and technical skills required for conceptualizing, designing, and implementing fundamental and/or applied research at the forefront of the chosen field(s) of learning to generate original knowledge.

P.O. 6.                  

cognitive and technical skills required for doing transdisciplinary research.


Application of knowledge and skills: The graduates should be able to demonstrate the ability to:

P.O. 7.                  

apply the acquired highly specialized knowledge, skills, and methods of research to design and conduct original and high quality disciplinary or multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary research to generate evidence-based solutions to complex problems, including real-life problems, relating to the chosen field(s) of study.


Generic learning outcomes: The graduates should be able to demonstrate the ability to:

P.O. 8.                  

listen carefully, read texts and research papers analytically, and present complex information in a clear and concise manner to non-specialist and specialist groups/audiences.

P.O. 9.                  

present, in a well-structured and logical manner, technical information and explanations pertaining to the results/findings of research studies undertaken.

P.O. 10.               

present views on the relevance and application of recent research and their applications in the context of the emerging developments and issues related to the chosen field(s) of study or professional practice.

P.O. 11.               

meet own learning needs relating to research and investigations in the chosen fields of study.

P.O. 12.               

pursue self-paced and self-directed learning to upgrade knowledge and skills, including research-related skills, required to pursue higher level of research related to new frontiers of knowledge.

P.O. 13.               

critically analyze and synthesize a body of knowledge in their major and allied fields, identify critical gaps and ask new questions, develop new tools and techniques of data gathering and analysis, and at the end of it be able to conduct research independently.

P.O. 14.               

evaluate the reliability and relevance of evidence; identify logical flaws and holes in the arguments of others; analyze and synthesize data from a variety of sources; draw valid conclusions and support them with evidence and examples and addressing opposing viewpoints.

P.O. 15.               

make judgements and take decisions regarding the formulation of responses to problems, including real-life problems, based on the analysis and evaluation of information and empirical evidence relating to the problems.

P.O. 16.               

make significant judgment across a broad range of functions requiring the exercise of responsibility for determining personal and/or group actions to generate solutions to specific problems associated with the chosen field(s) of study, work/vocation, or professional practice.


Constitutional, humanistic, ethical, and moral values: The graduates should be able to demonstrate the willingness and ability to:

P.O. 17.               

practice constitutional, humanistic, ethical, and moral values in life, adopt objective and unbiased actions in all aspects of work,

P.O. 18.               

identify ethical issues related to the chosen fields of research, including those relating to environmental and sustainable development issues,

P.O. 19.               

follow ethical practices in all aspects of research and development, including avoiding practices such as fabrication, falsification or misrepresentation of data or committing plagiarism, and not adhering to intellectual property rights,

P.O. 20.               

acquire the understanding of basic research ethics and skills in practicing/doing ethics in the field/in own research work, regardless of the funding authority or field of study.


Employability and job-ready skills, and entrepreneurship skills and capabilities/ qualities and mindset: The graduates should be able to demonstrate the acquisition of knowledge and

essential skill sets required for:

P.O. 21.               

adapting to the future of work and responding to the demands of the fast pace of technological developments and innovations that drive shift in skill needs relating to work and professional practices, including those relating to teaching, research, and development,

P.O. 22.               

exercising full personal responsibility for outputs/outcomes of own work and outputs/outcomes of group efforts,

P.O. 23.               

exercising substantial authority, innovation, autonomy, professional integrity, and sustained commitment to the development of new ideas or processes at the forefront of work or study contexts including research.