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The department of Sociology started in June 2010. The main research thrusts of department are: Agrarian studies, Development studies, social movements, Subaltern studies and Sociology of Health and illness. So far, the Department has organized 04 Symposium/Workshop, 03 National Seminar/Symposium, 01 UGC sponsored Refresher Program, 02 Pre-Ph.D. Programme, 20 Public Lectures and 05 Consultancy Programme.

As a practioner of field work along with theoretical insights, the department had a tradition of imparting field insights to the PG students. In the M.A I semester, the students do conduct field studies individually in their place of residence relating to religious ceremonies and analyze the data in order to write reports. M.A. III semester students conduct library exercise to understand the issues of modernization and development of India in a comparative framework with selected African nations from secondary resources. Field study was conducted by the M.A. II semester students in the city of Allahabad on the broader theme of ‘Youth’ as a category. The sub-themes are: Youth and Education; Youth and Gender; Youth and ICT (Information Communication Technology); Youth and Politics; Youth and Religion. Similarly, M.A. IVth semester in-depth case studies among patients admitted to or visiting the hospitals in and around the Allahabad city. The major sub-themes include: The socio-economic profile of the households/patients; Folk wisdom on health and illness; Health programs and evaluation in rural/urban areas; Challenges of effective health care system in rural/urban areas; Maternal and child health – promise and realities; Doctor patient relationship – people’s doctor and professional distance; Accessibility, affordability and accountability. Recently, the department has introduced a composite field/review based M.A. Dissertation/Report as part of evaluation focusing on the significant issues related to agrarian studies, health issues, Religious studies, Community studies etc.

All the faculty members are involved in inculcating the skills to the Post-graduate class members in matters of preparing interview schedules, collecting data from the villagers, preparation of coding manuals, entry of coded data, analysis of the data through SPSS and finally writing small reports.

The department has following academic programmes:

  • Doctoral Program (Ph.D. in Sociology)
  • The M.A. Programme (CBCS based Semester System)
Thrust Areas:

The main research thrusts of department are: Agrarian studies, Development studies, Social Exclusion and Subaltern studies, Sociology of Health and illness, Sociology of Science and Technology, Social movements and Sociology of Sanitation.

Programmes of Study:(Courses Run by the Department/Centre)

S. No.

Programme of Study


No. of Seats




5 years(includes pre-PhD course work)

Annually 02 per supervisor

Social Exclusion, Development studies, Agrarian studies, Migration, Science and Technology etc.


M. A.

(CBCS based Semester System)


2 years


Rural Studies, Development studies, Social Exclusion, Sociology of Health etc.

Faculty members and their Area of Research:

S. No.

Name of Faculty


Area of Specialization


Prof. Ashish Saxena

Professor & Head

Sociological Theories; Research Methodology; Development Studies; Subaltern Studies; Agrarian Studies; Urban Sociology; Sociology of Sanitation; Religion and Society


Dr. Muneer Illath

Assistant Professor (Stage II)

Migration Studies, Development Studies, Sociology of

Religion, gender studies, social demography


Dr. Subhasis Sahoo

Assistant Professor

Sociology of Science and Technology, Sociology of Social Movements, Public Understanding of Science/Science Communication, Anthropology of Reproduction and Knowledge Systems.

Support Staff:

S. No.



Category (GEN/OBC/SC/ST)


Work assigned


Mr. Sudhir Kr. Gupta



Office Assistant

Office Maintenance


Ajay Kumar




Routine matters


Lakhan Lal Shukla




Routine matters

Awards/Fellowships/Honours to the faculty:


Name of the Award


Name of the Faculty


UGC-DAAD exchange of scientist programme in Humanities and Social Sciences UGC - DAAD fellowship


University of Heidelberg, Germany.

Prof. Ashish Saxena


Sulabh Swacchta Samman & Gold Medal’

Sulabh International. New Delhi

Prof. Ashish Saxena


Professor D.P.Mukherji Memorial Award

Indian Social Science Academy, New Delhi

Prof. Ashish Saxena


Professor Radhakamal Mukherjee Memorial Award for Young Social Scientist

Indian Social Science Association

Dr. Subhasis Sahoo


Dewang Mehta National Education Award for Best Professor of Sociology and Certificate of Merit

Business School Affaire, Mumbai, on its 25th Silver Jubilee Year in 2017 by Honorable Dy. Chief Minister, U.P. for academic excellence in Education field.


Prof. Ashish Saxena


Professor M.N. Srinivas Memorial Award

Indian Sociological Society, New Delhi

Dr. Subhasis Sahoo


Ganga Ratan Samman




Maa Ganga Nirmal Sarakshan Samiti, Prayag

Prof. Ashish Saxena

Projects/Consultancy undertaken:

Name of the Project

Principal investigator

Year of Award

Funding agency


Evaluation of  financial inclusion and convergence of MGNREGA in Uttar Pradesh

Prof. Ashish Saxena


NIAR, Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA), Mussorie

6 months

Child Labour Survey in Allahabad district

Prof. A. Satyanarayana


Labour department, Govt. Of U.P.


1 year

“State initiatives, changing agrarian society and the backward castes: A study of social mobility among dalits of rural eastern U.P.”, major project funded by ICSSR, Delhi,

Prof. Ashish Saxena


ICSSR, New Delhi

2 years

“Baseline survey of knowledge, attitude, practices (KAP) of citizens regarding Lok sabha general election 2019, SVEEP plan:  With special reference to district Prayagraj,

Prof. Ashish Saxena & Dr. Muneer Illath


District election office, prayagraj on behalf of CEO, U.P. & Election Commission of India, New Delhi

3 months

Workshop/Seminar/Symposium conducted by the Department
  1. Organized 2-days Symposium on ‘India – Post 1991’ organized by Indian Academy of Social Sciences, Allahabad & Dept. of Sociology, University of Allahabad, on 15-16thAugust, 2010.
  2. Organized a symposium on Child and Childhood Issues in Developing Countries: Some Insights from Brazil and India” on May 2, 2011.
  3. Organized two days National Seminar on ‘Social Movement in Contemporary India: Issues and Concerns’ on 5th-6th 2011.
  4. Organized National Workshop with MIDS, Chennai on 1stFebruary, 2019 on the theme “Regional Imagination in Social Science Discourse in India: ”. The key speakers was Prof. Ananta K. Giri, MIDS, Chennai. 
  5. One-day workshop on – ‘Role of Educational Institutions in U.P. in Impacting Health Concerns of Women and Children’ on 28th July, 2015. Distinguished participants were – Ashok Kaul, Professor & C S S E I P BHU, Varanasi; Prof. S.K.Pant, GBPSSI, Jhusi; Dr. Bobby John, Principle Adviser, Global Health Advocates, Noida, Dr. D.D Pandey, Regional Director,  NIPCCD, U.P.; Dr. Manoj Kumar Shukul, DGM, (MH), SPMU, NHM, U.P.; Dr. Amir Ullah Khan, Director, Aequitas, Noida
  6. One day WORKSHOPon “Gandhi Fellowship” in collaboration with Piramal Foundation, New Delhi, on 13th  September 2018.
  7. The Department of Sociology, University of Allahabad, organized National Workshop on 26thOctober, 2018 on the theme “Emerging Development Discourse,: A Critique”. The key speakers were Prof. Anand Kumar, National Fellow, IIAS, Shimla; Formerly President, Indian Sociological Society, New Delhi ; Prof. SN Chaudhary, Director, Rajiv Gandhi Chair in Contemporary Studies, Barkathulla University, Bhopal, Prof. I.S. Chauhan, Former Ambassador, Fiji, Prof. Ashok Kaul, BHU, Prof. Ajit Pandey, BHU, Prof. Manish Verma, BBAU, Lucknow, Prof. Badri narayan, GBPSSI, Jhusi and others

Special Public lecture organized by the Department

  1. Organized a Public Lecture on 11thAugust 2016 on the theme “Cultivating Pathways of Creative Research: New Horizons of Transformative Practices”. The lecture was delivered by distinguished sociologist Ananta Kumar Giri, Madras Institute of Development Studies (MIDS), Chennai. 
  2. Organized a Public Lecture on 5thAugust 2016 on the theme “Agrarian Development in neo-liberal era: Emerging research concerns”. The lecture was delivered by distinguished sociologist Debal K. Singharoy, Dept. of Sociology, I.G.N.O.U, New Delhi. 
  3. Organised a Public Lectureon 18th January 2017 on the theme “Subaltern, Ethnicity and the State: Contextualising Weaver Community of Varanasi”. The lecture was delivered by eminent sociologist Arvinder A. Ansari, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi.
  4. The Department of Sociology, University of Allahabad, organized a Public Lectureon 17th February, 2017 on Debating alternative health care and National Health Mission in India at the Seminar Hall of the department of psychology. The speaker of the public lecture was Professor A.K Sharma, a noted social scientist associated with the Department of Humanities and Social sciences, IIT Kanpur
  5. The Department of Sociology, University of Allahabad organized a Public Lectureon 21st February 2017 on the theme “Towards Onslaught of Development and People’s Mobilization in India: A Review”. The lecture was delivered by eminent sociologist  D. R. Sahu, the Head, Department of Sociology, Lucknow University. 
  6. Organized a Public Lectureon 26th April, 2017 on the theme “Discourse on Qualitative Methods in Social Research” . The lecture was delivered by eminent sociologist J. K. Pundir, former Pro-Vice Chancellor and Head, Department of  Sociology, CCS University, Meerut
  7. The Department of Sociology, University of Allahabad, organized 4thPublic Lecture on 30th August, 2017 on “Traversing the age of crisis: A need of alternative modernity”. The speaker of the public lecture was Ashok Kaul, a senior professor at the Department of Sociology, BHU, Varanasi.
  8. The Department of Sociology, University of Allahabad organized a Public Lectureon 8th September, 2017 on the theme “Changing Paradigms of Development: A Critical Review”. The lecture was delivered by D. N. Jena, former Vice Chancellor of Utkal University of Culture, Bhubaneswar.
  9. The Department of Sociology, University of Allahabad organized a Public Lectureon 2nd February 2018 on the theme ”Quantitative and qualitative research in social sciences”. The lecture was delivered by eminent sociologist Professor Tulsi Patel, eminent sociologist at the University of Delhi and former secretary of Indian Sociological Society.
  10. The Department of Sociology, University of Allahabad organized a Public Lectureon 20th April, 2018 on the theme “The Cobra-Women of North India: A metamorphosis of gender roles”. The lecture was delivered by Marriane Sarah Saulnier, Department of Anthropology, University of Montreal, Canada 
  11. Public Lectureon the theme “Theoretical Aspects of Social Ecxlusion and Inclusion Policies: A Critical Analysis(Speaker: Prof. Bibhuti B. Malik, Department of Sociology, BBAU, Lucknow) on 20th September 2018. 
  12. Public Lecture  on the theme “Issues of Research Methodology in Social Sciences(Speaker: Prof. Kirti Pandey, Department of Sociology, DDU Gorakhpur University)on 29th September 2018.
  13. The Department of Sociology, University of Allahabad organized a Public Lectureon 25th January, 2019 on the theme “Understanding Indian Diaspora: An overview”. The lecture was delivered by Chandrashekhar Bhat, Retd. Prof. Of Sociology, HCU, Hyderabad.
  14. Organized National Workshop with MIDS, Chennai on 1stFebruary, 2019 on the theme “Regional Imagination in Social Science Discourse in India: ”. The key speakers was Prof. Ananta K. Giri, MIDS, Chennai. 
  15. The Department of Sociology, University of Allahabad organized a Public Lecture on the “Indian General Election Campaign 2019 and its Impact on Democracy” on 29th April, 2019 by Prof.Ronojoy Sen Senior fellow at Institute of South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore University. Singapore
  16. The Department of Sociology, University of Allahabad organized a Public Lectureon  Public Lecture on “Consumer Culture, modernity and Identity” on 26th August, 2019 by Prof. Nita Mathur, F.S.S, IGNOU, New Delhi
  17. The Department of Sociology, University of Allahabad organized a Public Lecture on “Insights on Fieldwork and Academic Writings” on 11thSeptember, 2019 by Prof. P.S. Vivek, Dept. of Sociology, University of Mumbai 
  18. The Department of Sociology, University of Allahabad organized a Public Lecture on “Qualitative methodological issues in sociology” on 4th December, 2019 by Prof. Anil K. Jha, Head, Department of Sociology, Central University of South Bihar, Gaya
  19. The Department of Sociology, University of Allahabad organized aPublic Lecture on “Gender and Development: Theoretical Debates” on 28th January, 2020 by Prof. Shweta Prasad”, Dept. of Sociology, BHU, Varanasi
  20. The Department of Sociology, University of Allahabad organized aPublic Lecture on “Emerging Concerns & Challenges of Rural Development” on 18th February 2020 by Prof. D.S. Rajput”, Head, Department of Sociology, Dr. Harisingh Gour University, Sagar,
Online Lectures